Eventful SchoolSync for Microsoft & Google - Scope & Limitations

Ändrad den Ons, 5 juni, 2024 vid 3:45 E.M.


Student Information System, (SIS)

The student informationen system can affect what information Eventful can obtain and process in Eventful SchoolSync, (ESS). For normal operations we usually ingest information about Schools, Staff, Students, Classes, courses and academic sessions. We also have the ability to merge this information with supporting systems such as information from Active Directory and Azure Active Directory.

Receiving system


For Microsoft 365, Microsoft School Data Sync is primarily used to create Teams for classes and courses, and to synchronize membership in classes, courses, and schools.

In addition to the features that Microsoft provides in School Data Sync, Eventful SchoolSync can also provide Staff Teams and create security groups.


For Google, ESS is used to create Classrooms and/or groups based on information from the student information system. We can create Classrooms for classes and courses.

Other receiving systems

Other systems to which ESS can provide information are made according to the receiving system's specification, for example Apple School Manager.


The following is not included in the commitment Eventful makes within the framework of the service.

  • Updates or backup for the server that the customer provides for running the service.
  • Changes in functionality due to the design of the receiving system. For example, using Microsoft School Data Sync means that teachers can add and remove team members, as well as rename teams.
  • Other systems related to identity synchronization, such as AD Connect or GCDS.

Kontrollerad 2024-05-31

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